I’ve been working on botany projects on this site for a while, but haven’t actually made any blog posts, so I’m going to start doing just that!
I recently had the pleasure of attending a lovely training course, which was absolutely lovely. We went out into a local woodland and, despite the course not actually being about botany or habitats, I couldn’t help myself but botanise. I just love plants! I find myself naturally turning my head down, just to see if I spot anything cool, and I’ll have to tell myself off for not “switching off”.
And yes, I am an absolute nightmare to go on a walk with – just ask my partner, he’ll attest to the constant stopping for photo taking and plant gazing.
But anyway, in-between paying attention to the course content, I stopped to admire some beauties, and here’s what I came across.

I first have to highlight the most exciting find I caught, which was a moschatel (Adoxa moschatellina). This was my first time seeing one, and I later discovered it’s more folk-sy is “townhall clock”, which if you ask me, is a much better name! Not the best picture I could’ve taken, but I was very excited. I just fell in love with the inflorescence. Reading more into it later, I was pleased to discover its an ancient woodland indicator, so that was a handy find to add to my AWI project!
Some other indicators I spotted in this woodland were:

bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
dog’s mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
primrose (Primula vulgaris)
There were hundreds of bluebells! Most of then just about emerging into flower, and most of what was in flower were native specimens which was good to see. I had also spotted hart’s tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium) and greater stitichwort (Stellaria holostea), and I began wondering if it was actually an ancient woodland, but DEFRA’s MAGIC map application doesn’t appear to show it as one. I confess I haven’t looked much further than that.
Also, in the free time I had during my stay in Devon, I ventured out to the nearby heathland to my hotel and wow! The views were amazing.

I mean, just look at that. Cameras never do it justice (or at least phone cameras). The heather, the gorse, and the bristle bent… Gosh I just love heathlands. They are one of my favourite habitats, and as a born and bred East Anglian, actually seeing hills was a nice change.
I’ll definitely have to travel back down again and spend more time getting to know the land of Devonshire.
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